Home Builders Ramp Up Construction Based on Demand
If you’re thinking of buying a home, there really is no time like the present. With today’s low mortgage rates, you have a great...

Homeowner Wealth Increases Through Growing Equity This Year
Building financial wealth and stability remains one of the top reasons Americans choose to own a home, and as a homeowner, your wealth...

Buying a Home Is Still Affordable
The last year has put emphasis on the importance of one’s home. As a result, some renters are making the jump into homeownership while...

Don’t Be Fooled by Remarkable Real Estate Headlines
Don’t be impressed by the headlines reporting year-over-year housing numbers for the next several months (data covering March, April,...

March 2021 Housing Market Update
Normal spring increases in sales activity, coupled with relaxing COVID-19 policies, created a very busy March real estate market as buyer...

Are There Going to Be More Homes to Buy This Year?
If you’re looking for a home to purchase right now and having trouble finding one, you’re not alone. At a time like this when there are...

What Record-Low Housing Inventory Means for You
The real estate market is expected to do very well in 2021, with mortgage rates that are hovering at historic lows and forecasted by...

The Difference a Year Makes for Homeownership
Over the past year, mortgage rates have fallen more than a full percentage point, hitting a new historic low 15 times. This is a great...

Is Buying a Home Today a Good Financial Move?
There’s no doubt 2020 has been a challenging year. A global pandemic coupled with an economic recession has caused heartache for many....

Real Estate Is a Driving Force in the Economy
As the economy recovers from this year’s health crisis, the housing market is playing a leading role in the turnaround. It’s safe to say...